ViKEN is the Viking Energy Connection.
ViKEN is a company formed from years of in-depth project experience in nuclear and bioenergy combined with the emotional need to lead the worldwide effort to curb climate change.
The years of experience have resulted in numerous connections with like-minded people and companies who together form the Sustainable Viking Energy Network - connecting people throughout the world to combat climate change.
ViKEN is backed by the best.
ViKEN CEO Scott “Sven” Swenson is the Senior Vice President of Technical Services and Chief of Staff for Delta Energy Services, LLC, which is recognized as a Top Ten Biomass Service Provider for 2022. As such, ViKEN enjoys unlimited support from Delta and access to the full network of Delta Affiliates and business contacts. This support includes access to world class project managers, construction managers, engineers, and other project support personnel on a contract basis. No need to hire long term staff for your projects – Delta prides itself in its ability to provide all the support you need at a reasonable price.
“Our project professionals pay for themselves.”
-Delta Energy Services, LLC CEO and Managing Partner Charles Boyce.
Project Development and Biomass Brokering
We have established relationships with multiple sustainable technology providers to allow us to work closely with our clients and choose the best technology for their specific situation.
ViKEN’s worldwide contacts and support network allow for project development wherever there are projects to develop.
Project Finance
ViKEN founder Sven Swenson is a Certified Master Affiliate of In3 Capital Group, a “do only good things” consortium of project finance professionals which has access to billions of project finance dollars sympathetic to the plight of our changing world. ViKEN is ready and willing to back the right projects to combat climate change and social issues with little fuss.
Working with ViKEN as your gateway to this project financing is much simpler than typical bank financing. Contact Sven to see if your project would qualify for this powerful funding strategy.
Changing the face of Aviation.
ViKEN has been contracted by Hughes Energy Group to develop the proprietary Wilson System technology for use in the International Aviation industry. Aviation currently destroys ~ $2-3 Billion of international catering waste annually, and the Wilson System technology will permit reentry of this material into the circular economy in place of the deep landfill burying or incineration currently employed.

ViKEN - positive steps towards a positive future.
Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss a new project or performance issue at your facility.